What is Endospheres therapy ?
Endospheres therapy is a truly unique body sculpting treatment that allows
you to get the desired effects without resorting to surgery, drug treatment and other intrusive methods.
This innovative technology is 100% non-invasive with no downtime and has clinically proven results.
Its Compressive Microvibration method works gently on the tissue to enhance muscle definition,
tone/tighten skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Endospheres Therapy has the added benefit of feeling like a deep tissue massage!
How Many Endospheres therapy Treatments are Needed?
Despite the fact that you will see a difference after just one session, the whole course of treatment
will be more or less ten sessions, with one or two-day breaks in between appointments,
depending on the treatment you choose.
How Long Does it Take to See the Results from Endospheres therapy?
After just one treatment, patients usually notice a reduction in cellulite quantity in the treated area.
Cellulite's dimpling and uneven skin texture will be less noticeable.
However, patients are strongly advised to complete a series of treatments
in order to maintain the result and attain the desired outcomes.