40K cavitation handle: Strong sound wave explosion fat head with collective strong sound wave head,strong sound wave
of 40KHz may be emitted to human body for impacting fat cells fiercely and causing friction motion between fat cells.
This may cause effective consumption of calories and moisture in fat cells and reduce the size of fat cells.what’s more
,sound wave vibration may cause fierce impact of fat cells to make them be exploded instantaneously,reduce the amount
of fat cells and thereby achieve the effects of removing fat. Body RF handle:Radio frequency is one kind of high frequency
electromagnetic wave, it can penetrate the dermis and subcutaneous tissue through the fat layer, take heat into deep skin
and then accelerate regeneration and reconstruction of skin deep-tissue. RF can produce energy by impedance from the
skin, which can make the fatty layer temperature increase in very short time, and this neat will also act on collagen in the
dermis layer. Collagen in the dermis layer will shrink immediately after the temperature rise and proliferation of new colla-
gen, so as to achieve the effect of skin pulling, pigmentation improvement, skin whitening, and wrinkle removal. Laser :La-
ser is growing in popularity as a procedure for the tummy, arms, male breasts, hips and outer thighs as well as smaller ar-
eas of the body such as redefining the jaw line, neck and chin area. It carries fewer risks as traditional liposuction and is
a less in- vasive surgical procedure requiring fewer incisions and resulting in less scarring. We use laser after liquid laser
to tighten the skin.